Singapore Airlines (SIA), SG Enable, and the Autism Resource Centre (ARC) have partnered to feature designs by artists with special needs on the airlines’ in-flight products. The three parties signed a Memorandum of Understanding at the Enabling Village just today. First in line are snack boxes, which will be launched starting next month.

Image credit: Singapore Airlines
This partnership is the first initiative of SG Enable’s “i’mable” campaign, which aims to develop a marketplace for curated quality goods and products by persons with disabilities. The objective is to create more work opportunities that enable steady income streams for artists and makers with special needs. The campaign marks SIA’s first initiative with the disability sector in Singapore. Artworks by the artists will be featured on SIA’s in-flight products, where they will enjoy international exposure on SIA’s extensive network.

Image credit: Singapore Airlines
For instance, the snack boxes for Economy Class customers will highlight artwork by artists with autism from the Artist Development Programme (ADP). The ADP is an initiative by Pathlight School, which in turn is a programme under ARC. The first design to grace the snack boxes will be by artist ADP artist Aaron Yap. Titled ‘Local Food’, look out for visuals of local delicacies like satay, claypot rice, and kuih lapis. There will also be information on the snack box to educate the public on how to promote inclusiveness in fun ways – by shopping for products that feature art by artists with autism or by visiting the Enabling Village, an inclusive community space in Singapore.
For more information, click here.